Saturday, March 10, 2012

Painted Kits: LM-HG Bardiel 13th Angel

I finally completed my LM-HG Bardiel.

Here's a comparison of the original paint job and after the bloodbath effect was added.

Since Bardiel is an HG kit, a lot of seam line removal was needed.

It's a tedious process, not to mention it takes a whole day before work can be continued on the kit, but its well worth it.

Bardiel has one of the most menacing faces I have see. And adding all that blood effect just makes it even more demonic.

The infected entry plug is a unique feature of Bardiel that I just have to detail more than what's on the manual.

Now for some action poses.

Related Posts:
There is a review for this kit here and the process of adding the bloodbath effects can be found here.


  1. Nice blood effects

  2. Looks like it ATE Eva 02 and 00 before heading for Eva 01

  3. Good stuff, would like to see more painting tutorials.
