Sunday, March 18, 2012

Kit Review: MG The O

This is a short review of a kit I finished doing a straight build on a few weeks back. This is the MG The O. The O is a large and bulky MS that boasts some very thick armor. This translates to one of the biggest MG kit from Bandai.

The O's inner frame is a shiny, slightly metallic black color.

The red color used on the piping/cables look very nice and the ones on the legs flex when The O's legs bend. The green color on some of the thrusters, I don't like too much so I will probably change the color when I paint the kit.

The color of the armor use by The O is a dull banana yellow

The inner frame of The O's body has a few details but once the armor is installed, everything is completely covered except for the thrusters, guns near the shoulder and the collar. The body armor doesn't have any details and is just a large round surface.

With out the armor, The O's inner frame is capable of 360 degree rotation at the waist. But once the armor, back pack and back skirt are installed, The O's huge back pack restricts the body's movement to nearly zero.

The O's skull is very small with a mono-eye that can be moved left to right. The mono eye doesn't move with the head like that on the MG Sinanju. Instead the head armor needs to be removed to change the direction of the mono-eye. The mono-eye also has a visor in front of it.

Most of the head's size comes for the armor that is shaped like a wizard's hat.

The O's arms and shoulder have a great range of motion with or without the armor.

The arms can raise outward quite high despite the bulk of the armor and can rotate 360 degrees at the shoulder joint.

The shoulder can also move forward a lot more than some other MG kits. One complaint on the shoulder though is that they are very loose and can easily fall forward or backward if the arm is not pushed all the way into the peg.

The two elbow joint allows a lot of articulation for the arms. The bicep side of the elbow can bend more than 90 degrees and the forearm side does 90 degrees. The wrist also has a joint in addition to the joints on the hand

This allows The O to bend his arm and touch the upper section of his shoulder despite the bulky armor.

But the same cannot be said for his legs. Without the armor, The O's legs have extreme articulation. They can swing forward more than 90 degrees and impressively, bend so much that the heel can touch his back.

But once the skirts are installed, a lot of the articulation is lost. The O's front skirt can go up pretty high to  allow the hidden arms to extend their reach. But the back skirt can barely move and movement is further hindered by the backpack overlapping it.

The front skirt allows The O to swing it's legs forward a decent amount

But the back skirt prevents the legs from swinging or bending backward. The most the legs can do is what's pictured above.

The feet have good articulation and retains it even with the armor on. The ankle can pivot in and out a lot to compensate for the bulky leg armor. And allows the legs to lean back

The toes can move up but not down, so his foot remains flat when he is on a stand.

The ball joint on The O's hips gives the legs a good range of motion, allowing the legs to turn in and out a lot. But again, the back skirt prevents the legs to swing backward.

The hip joint also comes with a hinge that allows the hip to swing forward and position the legs forward.

One problem I found with the hinge is it easily unlocks when I try to pose the legs forward. And because of the weight of the upper body, the kit will tilt forward and possibly crash while you're holding it. And locking the hinge back again is a pain since the legs need to be straightened and its harder for the hinge to go into the lock than it is to get out of it.

One unique feature that The O has are the arms hidden under the front skirt. The ends have three-fingered grippers that allows The O to grab onto things, hold down other MS or use a beam saber. The articulation on the arms are not so great. The grippers are on ball joint allowing for good rotation but the arms can only move up and down. They can't move left or right.

The O is pretty much made of large smooth,  curved surfaces. Barely any detail was applied on the armor. The most noticeable details on the armor are the abundance of thrusters all over the body. The reason being is that The O's armor is so thick and heavy, to move around quickly it has to have this many thrusters.

The back pack and the back skirt carry the largest thrusters to push this beast around.

Since The O has very thick armor, he doesn't carry a shield and only has a beam rifle and beam sabers for weapons. The rest, I'm guessing, is just brute force to destroy his opponents.

Now despite having limited firepower, he does carry four beam sabers which he can wield all at the same time.

Having four beam sabers are good for making cool poses. Provided of course you have four beam blades. For the cost of the kit, having only two beam blades when you have four beam sabers is kind of a rip-off. And since the beams blades are yellow, you need to have a kit with yellow beam blades and sacrifice those for The O or use different color beams for the other two.

But if you're willing to overlook that, they can make for some pretty cool poses.

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