Thursday, March 22, 2012

Kit Review: LM-HG Eva Kits (Part 2): Eva-00 Prototype, Eva-01 Test Type and Eva-02 Production Type.

Continuing from Part 1, where I reviewed the parts that the Eva kits have in common, I will now highlight the parts that make each Eva distinct along with the weapons specific to them. I will discuss the three main Evas here and then the other two later.

First up is the Eva-00 Prototype (Yellow Version). It uses a yellow color scheme with some black and white accents.

The first noticeable thing about the Eva-00 is its lack of shoulder pylon. This is how the Eva-00 was originally designed but after receiving some heavy damage during a battle with an Angel, it was refitted with new armor that is similar to that of the Eva-02 and repainted to the blue and white color scheme.

The chest armor comes in three pieces; one large chest plate with two smaller plates covering the sides.

The head is round at the back and pointed at the front. The face has a mono-eye and no mouth.

The weapons included with the kit are a knife, an Eva rifle, a handgun, a sniper rifle, a shield and the Spear of Longinus.

The shield was used by this version of the Eva-00 but the sniper rifle and Spear of Longinus were actually used by the blue version. The knife, handgun and rifle are common in all Evas.

Moving on, we get to the Eva-01 Test Type. The color scheme is mainly purple with green accents. The shoulder pylons and part of the arms use black.

The Eva-01's shoulder pylons have a different design compared to the other Evas after it and the refitted Eva-00.

The chest armor resembles that of the Eva-00, having three pieces. But unlike the Eva-00, the lower sternum is exposed.

The head is also has a very different shape compared to the other Evas and has a single horn on the forehead. And looking at the back, the skull of the Eva-01's head is visible. The mouth can also open but not as much as the Eva-03, Bardiel or Eva-04.

For weapons, The Eva-01 has his own spear and a positron rifle.

The last of the three main Evas is the Eva-02. The main color scheme is red with orange accents. The arms are orange with black accents. And the head uses white accents.

After the Eva-02 was introduced, all future Evas and the refitted Eva-00 used this shoulder pylon design.

The chest armor is just one piece and looks like a redesign of the first Eva-00's chest armor. And like the shoulder pylons, all future Evas adapted the design.

The head is round at the back with a pointed forehead and a long chin. There are four eyes hidden behind the forehead piece and the chin piece. These can be moved to reveal the eyes.

Since the runners of the Eva-02 and Eva-00 share the same mold, they both have the same set of weapons in the kit. The only weapons exclusive to the Eva-02 are the progressive knife, that looks like a box cutter, and the ax.

The knife is a pain to place in the hands because the shape of the handle causes the hands to open at the seam.


  1. How long is the Spear of Longinus of Eva 00 and 02?

    1. The Spear of Longinus is about 10" for the Eva 00 and Eva 02.
